International Bureau
The CJB has sent the following message to the Communist Youth Union (KSM) of Czechia, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Communist Youth Union of Czechoslovakia, that was founded on the 20th of February 1921.
Dear comrades,
Warm greetings from the Communist Youth Movement of the Netherlands (CJB). We congratulate you on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Communist Youth League (KSM), which was founded in 1921 as the youth organisation of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. The communist youth of Czechoslovakia played an important role in the struggle against fascism during the Second World War and the construction of socialism in the decades that followed.
The current KSM stands in this rich tradition. The bourgeois state made great efforts to outlaw and dissolve the KSM, but they did not succeed. You are steadfast continuing the struggle against capitalism and for socialism-communism.
The severe consequences of the new capitalist economic crisis and the failure of the bourgeois governments to deal with the pandemic show the need for this struggle. It shows the need for advancing the rights of the working-class youth and for organising the youth in the struggle for a world without poverty, unemployment and war, without capitalist exploitation.
International Bureau of the CJB